Serenity Disappearing Water Feature

Project Anatomy


Before you Start

Safety. Always dig with caution. Call 811 or your local utility company before you begin digging to locate buried pipes or power lines on your property.
Location. Consider how the water garden will enhance your landscape. Make sure the area won’t easily become covered with debris and obstruct the fountain.
Elevation. Your water feature should not be built on a slope or grade. If it is located at the lowest elevation of the yard, you will have rainwater run-off that can muddy the water.
Leveling. For locations where ground is hard, use sand to help level and fill in gaps.
Water. To ensure continuous operation, regularly top off your water level, especially in hot weather. If your feature is close to a sprinkler, it can help keep the basin full.


 Project Step-by-Step

Step 1 - Plan

Layout and mark appropriate basin area. Decide where the fountain topper will sit. The water should flow into the middle of the basin.


Step 2 - Dig a hole

Dig a hole 25” long x 13” wide x 12” deep for the basin. Also, dig a narrow trench approximately 10” long x 2” wide x 3” deep for the tubing. Place the basin inside the hole. Ensure basin fits and level basin within excavated area.


Step 3 - Attach the check valve

Assemble the check valve, inlet and gasket snugly on either side of the fountain unit. Make sure that the inlet adapter is pointed in the same direction as the spillway. If not, carefully turn the adapter. Do not over tighten.


Step 4 - Attach the fountain topper

Connect tubing to the inlet on the bottom of the fountain unit. A hose clamp can be used for a more secure fitting (not included).


Step 5 - Attach the pump

Connect the tubing to the pump using the supplied adapter. Place the pump inside the basin. Route the tubing and power cord through the notch in the basin. Tubing can be cut if too much excess is present.


Step 6 - Fill the basin

Fill the basin and fountain unit with water then install the lid.


Step 7 - Place and test

To ensure pump flow is set appropriately and the water is flowing into the basin, place the fountain unit on the ground behind the basin. Check to make sure the tubing is in the trench and the fountain topper is level. Once in its final location, plug in the pump. Check for leaks and adjust accordingly,  then backfill the hole with dirt.


Step 8  - Add the rocks (not included)

Wash decorative gravel to remove small debris.

Decorate top of the basin with decorative gravel, plug in the pump, and enjoy!